
"God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another." 

1 Peter 4:10

Scripture is clear - we all have gifts and we are commanded to discover them, nurture and develop them, and use them to build up Christ's church here on earth. As we serve in building up the church we encourage one another, we fellowship together and we proclaim the Lord's name through our service and obedience.

What is your gift? A friendly welcome? Leading a bible study? Taking teenagers (safely) up a mountain? Making a pot of soup? Leading worship? We all have something to offer as our service. You would be joining a group of volunteers to share rotas, experience, and fellowship.

There are many areas where your gift, your skill, your servant heart, can make a difference in building up the worship and witness of SBC. Read our Volunteering Brochure here for more information 

Volunteering Opportunities 2024 

If you want to connect, have more to give, if you have skills and experience that are not being used, if you find you have more time to serve then please speak to a pastor or email the church office at :